Add up the number of due dates a issue had

we are using Jira Cloud and easyBI Cloud.

I created a calculated field via JavaScript and I get the previous Due Dates.
I used this documentation: Previous due dates.

But now I want a column/measure, which shows me the number of Due Dates which were set during the issues lifetime.

For example the first issue has a total of 9 due dates. This value I want to add to a new column.

Thanks for your help!


The following formula counts the number of changes in the due date:

CASE WHEN IsEmpty([Measures].[Issue due date old values])
  Len ([Measures].[Issue due date old values])-
  Len(Replace([Measures].[Issue due date old values],",",""))+1

Janis, eazyB support

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Hi Janis,
thank you! When added the measure it counted a total number of 8 (same line like my example above). But it should be 9 in total (8 “history” + 1 due date right now). Because of that, there is the “+1” at the end of the formular. To be honest I don’t know why +1 ist “not enough”.
So I replaced “+1” with “+2”. No I have the right amount.
Anyway, case closed!
Kind regards,