Adding MSSQL as source application - time out error

Namaskaram all

Is it possible for EasyBI to connect with a MSSQL server which is configured as local server?

I tried the following trouble shooting still no avail
The error message shows : request timed out

  1. firewall for udp port 1434 has been configured for inbound
  2. mssql server has been TCP/IP enabled with port number 1434
  3. Allow remote connections has been enabled

We have a jira server - and from the localserver machine i can ping the default i.p of easyBI

Pls help


Could you please check whether you can connect to the MSSQL server from a GUI tool (for example, SQL Server Management Studio) using TCP/IP network protocol?
If the connection can be established, then please check whether the MSSQL server is accessible from the Jira Server.

Best regards,
Janis / eazyBI support

ok. WIll try that and get back