Average days to resolve for issues without link type and specific resolution

Hello, I would like to ask for help with optimization for one of my reports.
The source data for account is narrowed down by JQL in Source Data config like this:

resolutiondate >= ‘2021/01/01’ AND type = “JIRA SD Service Request”

In Pages - for my report I created calculated member for Issue dimension(to display only issues resolved without specific link type) like this

IsEmpty([Issue].CurrentHyerarchyMember.Get(‘Implementing JIRA inward’))

In pages I’m also using dimensions - Time (only Current month), Project (bookmark for one particular Jira project)

In Columns I have Measures and custom calculated member to get avg time to resolve calculated from Time to SLA custom field:

[Measures].[TTS - REQ - SLA SD Elapsed Duration resolved] / [Measures].[Issues resolved]

In Rows I have it sorted by Customer request type (All hierarchy level members)

NOW I need to narrow the results more by the Resolution type - I would like to exclude issues with resolution ‘Canceled’. I added Resolution dimension to Pages and created new calculated member using Except:


But with this, the report is taking too much time to load and ending up with error
(once is timeout and other time memory overload). Is there any better way how to achieve this please?

Hi @Gabriela_Molitorisz,

The most problematic part is the calculated member in the Issue dimension. While the idea is correct (instead of Sum(…) you would use Aggregate(…)), going through all issues in this way to filter them is resource consuming.
If you have an opportunity, read more suggestions here: Best practices for report creation - eazyBI for Jira.

Meanwhile, I would suggest you create a new custom JavaScript calculated dimension that would return if the issue has or does not have the link. Then you could use this in pages instead of the Issue dimension.

Lauma / support@eazybi.com