Bugs closed in a specific month

I am a non coder and new to Eazy BI.
I trying to show a bug score of all bugs that were closed in a specific month for the last 6 months; ultimately do a line. I have created a few custom fields that show data but I just dont know how to show this specific ask of - bug score of all bugs closed in a specific month

Fileds I have are:

Bug score is user defined field that provides a weighted average based on when a bug was closed after its creation date. Here is the formula for bug score -

1 Day Res and 2 Day Resolution etc are also custom fields - Count(
[Measures].[BugCount]>0 AND
[Measures].[DateDiff] <= 1

DateDiff = DateDiffDays([Measures].[Issue created date],[Measures].[Issue closed date])
BugCount =( [Measures].[Issues created], [Issue Type].[Bug] )

The next step I am stuck at is: how do I show this bug score across months to pull bugs that were closed in that month?
So somthing
Feb 2020 March 2020 April 2020
5 2. 3

Any help appreciated

Hi @wizdom,
You need to use in your measure BugCount measure Issues closed, then the final measure will be group by the Issues closed date.

BugCount =( [Measures].[Issues closed], [Issue Type].[Bug] )

If your Issue closed date is the same as the resolution date, then a much faster solution from the performance point of view would be to use Resolution intervals (https://docs.eazybi.com/eazybijira/analyze-and-visualize/interval-dimensions).
The formula then would be:

[Measures].[Issues resolved],
[Issue Type].[Bug],
[Resolution interval].[00 - 00]
) * 0.1
[Measures].[Issues resolved],
[Issue Type].[Bug],
[Resolution interval].[01 - 02]
) * 0.5
[Measures].[Issues resolved],
[Issue Type].[Bug],
[Resolution interval].[03 - 07]
) * 1
[Measures].[Issues resolved],
[Issue Type].[Bug],
[Resolution interval].[08 - 14]
) * 2
[Measures].[Issues resolved],
[Issue Type].[Bug],
[Resolution interval].[15 - ...]
) * 2

Gerda // support@eazyBI.com