Calculate story points completed by work type (custom field) at Theme level

Hi all,

I would like to calculate story points completed or commited by work type (custom field) at Theme level.

My hierarchy is theme>initiative>Epic>Story>Subtask.
Story points are assigned to Stories. Work type options are Tech Debt, BAU, KTLO and Strategic.

I want to be able to see how many story points are worked up for each of these work types.

Please help me with predefined or calculated measure.


The recommended solution to this use case is to use respective issue hierarchy (e.g. Plans hierarchy) and inherit the Work type down from the Theme level in the hierarchy. That is possible if the work type is a single value selection field.

This documentation page gives example how to create an inherited custom field: Epic level custom field

You must put the correct value in the update_from_issue_key parameter. If you have the Plans hierarchy, the following value should work:


Once you create such inheritted dimension, you can use this diemension in the report to count story points by the Theme level work type.

Janis, eazyBI support

Thank you for your answer.
I have the same problem with the fields for Risk and Product.
Can you advise?

@janis.plume can I do needed changes if I don’t have admin access to EazyBI plugin in JIRA. I got only admin access to single account in EazyBI.

It is possible to create account-specific custom fields with the data admin access rights in the account. Please check this documentation link: Account specific calculated fields

Janis, eazyBI support