Completed This Month - Improve my Measure

Is there a better way I could be writing this measure? I’m trying to display a count of tasks completed in the current month. Right now that would be what’s completed in the month of September but as soon as October 1st comes, I would like it to start calculating for completed in the month of October. I have my measure in a state that I will have to update it every month.

DateBetween([Measures].[Issue resolution date],“September 01 2022”,‘today’)
[Measures].[Issues resolved])

Hi @Alyssa_A

You are correct about focusing on the measure “Issues resolved”: only you do not need to create a custom calculation in this case. Instead, use “Issues resolved” in columns and add, in Pages, Time dimension calculated member “Current month” (it should already be in the dimension):

This calculated member dynamically retrieves the current month (September when there was Sept 30 and October for today (October 3)) and filters selected measures by it.


Thank you for this. But this unfortunately won’t work for my report as I have various measures that I don’t want to be impacted by the time measure. Only the column that I have selected in the image is the one that show data for the current month. Any ways to improve the ‘Completed This Month’ measure?

DateBetween([Measures].[Issue resolution date],“October 01 2022”,‘today’)
[Measures].[Issues resolved])


Indeed, if you select a Time member in Pages, all other measures will be impacted, and then applying time directly to a specific measure is the right solution. While iterating through issues return result, it might get slow.
Instead, create a measure using a tuple from the measure and time member:

([Measures].[Issues resolved],
 [Time].[Current month])

Measures with tuples are very useful for retrieving values from specific dimension members (issue type, period, user, etc); measures with tuples are fast. Read more in the documentation: Tuple
