Count issue by week with a change specific status

Hello, I’m searching the solution to obtain the number of issues that have changed statuts (specif list) and this per week Capture|690x215.

I create a calculated member, however it continues to change for the past weeks :frowning:

Thank you for your help.


([Measures].[Transitions to status issues count],[Status].[QA : attente])
+([Measures].[Transitions to status issues count],[Status].[QA : en cours])
+([Measures].[Transitions to status issues count],[Status].[QA : pause])
+([Measures].[Transitions to status issues count],[Status].[QA : terminé])
+([Measures].[Transitions to status issues count],[Status].[R&D : rapporteur])
+([Measures].[Transitions to status issues count],[Status].[R&D : support])
+([Measures].[Transitions to status issues count],[Status].[Clos])
+([Measures].[Transitions to status issues count],[Status].[Closed])
+([Measures].[Transitions to status issues count],[Status].[Terminé])
+([Measures].[Transitions to status issues count],[Status].[QA KO])
+([Measures].[Transitions to status issues count],[Status].[QA OK])


Welcome to the eazyBI community!

The calculated measure formula you shared considers the current status of the issue. To retrieve the number of issues transitioned to specific statuses in the past, use the Transition Status dimension instead of Status. Visit the eazyBI documentation page to learn more about the difference - Import issue change history.

I recommend defining a calculated member in the Transition Status dimension that aggregates the statuses you are interested in. For example, the formula for the Transition Status dimension member could look similar to the one below:

  [Transition Status].[QA : attente],
  [Transition Status].[QA : en cours],
  [Transition Status].[QA : pause],
  [Transition Status].[QA : terminé],
  [Transition Status].[R&D : rapporteur],
  [Transition Status].[R&D : support],
  [Transition Status].[Clos],
  [Transition Status].[Closed],
  [Transition Status].[Terminé],
  [Transition Status].[QA KO],
  [Transition Status].[QA OK]

After that, create a new calculated measure in Measures with the formula below:

([Measures].[Transitions to status issues count],
[Transition Status].[CALCULATED_MEMBER])

Use the Transition Status calculated member created in the first step instead of CALCULATED_MEMBER.

See more details on defining calculated members in other dimensions here - Calculated measures and members.

Roberts //

Hello Robert and thank you for your reply. :grinning: Is it possible to define what were the original list status ?

Exemple with JQL Jira :

project = GTSVision AND status changed from (“R&D : attente”, “R&D : attente code review”, “R&D : attente dispatch”, “R&D : en cours”, “R&D : pause”) to (“QA : attente”, “QA : en cours”, “QA : pause”, “QA : terminé”, “R&D : rapporteur”, “R&D : support”, Clos, Terminé, “QA KO”, “QA OK”) during (-7d, now()) ORDER BY updated DESC

I guess you would have to create a second calculated member ?

Is it possible to count the number of issues that went from calculated status 1 to calculated status 2?



If you are looking for transitions between specific statuses, I recommend looking into the Transition dimension. You can specify a calculated member in the Transition dimension referencing the specific transitions. See an example below:

  [Transition].[To Do => In Progress],
  [Transition].[Open => WIP]

Then you can define a new calculated measure similar to the previously suggested, but with the Transition dimension calculated member.

Roberts //