Count Ticket that meet KPI definition

Hi I’m new to easyBI and facing some problem creating calculated measurement.

I want to create a measurement that counts all tickets that where less than 30 days in the status open and “In progress”.
The Measurement should be used with different Dimension like Project / Issue Type.


Perhaps you can start by exploring the “Age interval” dimension where you could customize the interval.,intervals,andissuelinkfields

When this dimension is used with the “issues due” measure, you should be able to see currently unresolved issues by their age since they were open. And you can define custom age intervals (for example: more than 30, less than 30 days etc).

Find some other posts with age interval uses cases:

If you need some custom calculation with just two of open statuses, the approach would be different, by creating new calculated measure that iterate through all issues in the report and filter ones that meet the condition. In that case, calculation might take more time to run the query.

Martins / eazyBI support