Creating issue count by Target Start Date (based on quarters)


I was wondering if there is a way to get a count of issues based on their target start dates. The target start dates may vary from issue to issue, so I need to group them by quarter. So based off of another page filter, I can select the number of issues (by total) based off the target start date grouping (ex. Q1 would be Jan 1 - Mar 31). Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.


Hi @jchouinard

Actually, there is.
You should ensure that your custom date picker field is imported as measures (selected in import options).
That should create a set of new measures in the “Measures” dimension where you could use the measure “Issues with target start date” together with the “Time” dimension to find issues with a custom field value that belongs to the selected quarter.

Martins / eazyBI support

Thank you Martins! That worked. My next obstacle is this:
I need to not only count the issues with a target start for that quarter (which I now have). I also need to know of how many of those issues were resolved in that same quarter. I am trying to attempt a sort of Say/Do Ratio for the features.


In that case, you would need to create a new calculated measure for this calculation.
Try this MDX formula for that. But you have to update the code with the correct name for your imported date picker field.

[Issue].CurrenthierarchyMember.getdate('Date picker field name'), --when imported as property
[Measures].[Issues with <date picker field name>]>0 --when imported as measures
[Issue].currentMember.getdate('Resolved at'),

That should count issues that were resolved in the selected period and also where imported date picker field value belongs to the same selected period.

Martins / eazyBI support