Custom JavaScript code creates the field doubles

I set up 2 APIs (Transactions, Licenses) from the marketplace . Next, I added a script to get a range of users.
The Script was:
function capitalize(s) {
return s && (s.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + s.slice(1).toLowerCase());
function getUsersRange(users) {
if (users <= 10) return [1, 10];
if (users <= 25) return [11, 25];
if (users <= 50) return [26, 50];
if (users <= 100) return [51, 100];
if (users <= 250) return [101, 250];
if (users <= 500) return [251, 500];
if (users <= 2000) return [501, 2000];
if (users <= 10000) return [2001, 10000];
return [10000, 999999];
} = {
key: doc.addonKey,
name: doc.addonName
doc.hosting2 =;
if (doc.licenseType && doc.licenseType.indexOf(“_”) >= 0) {
doc.licenseType = .map(doc.licenseType.split("“),
function(s) {return capitalize(s)}).join(” ");
} else {
doc.licenseType = capitalize(doc.licenseType);
doc.licenseType2 = doc.licenseType;
doc.status = capitalize(doc.status);
doc.status2 = doc.status; = doc.maintenanceStartDate
if (doc.licenseType == ‘Evaluation’) {
doc.evaluationLicense = 1;
} else {
doc.evaluationLicense = null;
if (doc.licenseType == ‘Demonstration’) {
doc.demonstrationLicense = 1;
} else {
doc.demonstrationLicense = null;
if (doc.licenseType == ‘Commercial’ || doc.licenseType == ‘Academic’) {
doc.paidLicense = 1;
} else {
doc.paidLicense = null;
if (doc.licenseType == ‘Community’ || doc.licenseType == ‘Open Source’) {
doc.freeLicense = 1;
} else {
doc.freeLicense = null;

if (m = doc.tier.match(/(\d+) users/i)) {
var users = +m[1];
var range = getUsersRange(users);
doc.licenseTier = {
range: “” + range[0] + “-” + range[1] + " Users",
rangeMax: range[1],
tier: doc.tier,
tierUsers: users
} else if (doc.tier.match(/unlimited users/i)) {
doc.licenseTier = {
range: “Unlimited Users”,
rangeMax: 999999,
tier: doc.tier,
tierUsers: 999999

if (doc.contactDetails) {
doc.region = doc.contactDetails.region; =;
if (doc.partnerDetails) {
doc.partnerType = doc.partnerDetails.partnerType;
doc.partnerName = doc.partnerDetails.partnerName;
} else {
doc.partnerType = “(none)”;
doc.partnerName = “(none)”;
Question, why did this script add the field “Hosting2”, “License Type2”, “Status2”. If these fields were already in the data source (“Hosting”, “License Type”, “Status”)?


why do you use the line “doc.hosting2 =” in your Javascript?
It simply copies the value from one field to another and that generates new field for column mapping?
I believe these parts are not necessary as the original hosting field is already one of the fields by default.

Martins /eazyBI