Difference in reports from Jira to Eazybi


Your observations are correct - sometimes, data in eazyBI and Jira are different because of approach of how data are calculated. eazyBI imports issue information, not pre-calculated report data from Jira reports.

Let me explain how eazyBI calculates those measures.

Measure " Sprint Story points committed " sums up story points assigned to a sprint at the moment when the sprint was started (button [Start sprint] was pushed). This value includes Story points in all statuses, also resolved before the sprint was started.
Committed points can’t be changed by removing/adding issues later or changing story point values: committed points value is a snapshot of that exact time moment.

Measure " Sprint Story points completed " sums up story points from completed issues at sprint completion moment. Issue story points are treated as completed if the issue was in one of the status category Done statuses at sprint completion moment. The board configuration (a column mapping to statuses) is not taken into account for this measure.
Therefore, if your sprint board configuration is different (the last swim line in the board - Completed - contains issues in other statuses, not those from Done category), you may create your own calculated member, where you use your statuses instead of category Done:

Sum (
{[Transition Status].[STATUS_NAME1],
[Transition Status].[STATUS_NAME2]},
[Measures].[Sprint Story Points at closing] )

I would suggest comparing committed issue lists from both, eazyBI and Jira, and then find issues with differences. Check their change logs for when those issues were added to sprints, when story points were added or changed, etc.
The same for completed, what was the status of completed issues at the closing moment of the sprint.

Please find more on sprint scope measures here: Jira Software custom fields - eazyBI for Jira

And find this documentation page on how to build sprint report in eazyBI:

Martins / eazyBI