Filter time in a new calculated member

Hello Dear,

I wan’t Create a Calculated member field that show sum of “velocity” field for issues that create in a specific time.
I create two calculated member field with this formula :

field name: Done-06-12
DateBetween([Issue].CurrentHierarchMember.get(‘Created at’),
‘June 22 2020’,‘Dec 21 2020’)

field name: Done-01-05
DateBetween([Issue].CurrentHierarchMember.get(‘Created at’),
‘Jan 22 2020’,‘May 21 2020’)

but when select this field don’t show any data in column.
can you help me to resolve this problem?


Hi @azade_bagheri!

What the best formula would be depends on what is the calculation for velocity? If this is a numeric custom field that is imported as a measure, I would suggest the following setup:

  1. Use the Velocity created measure on columns (

  2. On rows aggregate Time Day members by using the DateMembersBetween(…) function:

    [Time].[Day].DateMembersBetween(“June 22 2020”,“Dec 21 2020”)

Lauma /

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