Get all issues by Type and Status using MDX


Yes, the tuples is the right choice to calculate the value of a measure for a specific combination of other dimensions.
We usually recommend using also the measure in the structure of a tuple.

I believe this is the right fit for your case to aggregate Low priority issues in all these statuses:

{[Status].[Product Backlog],
[Status].[Ready For Development],
[Status].[In Development],
[Status].[SIT Done],
[Status].[UAT Done],
[Status].[In Business Analysis],
[Status].[In Technical Analysis],
[Status].[Approved for SIT],
[Status].[Approved for UAT]}, ([Measures].[Issues created], [Priority].[Low])

But I wouldn’t recommend creating a measure where you count “Issues created” + “Issues resolved” as the second set of issues could also belong to the first set if the issue is resolved.
Anyway, great that you find a few ways to create calculated measures in your report.

Martins / eazyBI

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