Help me to understand

how do i customize this sample

  1. filter all closed requests for a particular month
  2. add to the selection the counter of all transitions from closed to closed (which were already after closing) and display by transition’s author

that is, the column is the author of the transition, the string transition counter is closed - closed


Welcome to eazyBI community.

In this case, you could try creating a new calculated measure using a tuples
Try this code:

[Measures].[Transitions to status issues count],
[Transition].[Closed => Closed]

But please make sure that you can find a transition “Closed => Closed” in “Transition dimension” when you expand “All transitions” member in a simple report.

Then you could select your new calculated measure in columns and display results by transition author.
It should return the number of issues that has sent from “Closed to Closed” in selected time period.

Martins / eazyBI support