Help! Program Increment reporting

Hi there,
I have never used Easy BI before and I need to update a Dashboard with metrics for the last program increment i.e. predictability, velocity trend etc. How does the data flow from JIRA to Easy BI (JIRA) for a PI or do I have to do something to add it.


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eazyBI imports data from Jira. We can import any default fields and many custom fields. See more here on supported custom fields. Other custom fields could be imported if we detect a data type or some advanced setup is needed to set the import options.

If the PI is a custom field, please check if the field is available in import options - custom field selections.

Our demo account contains a lot of report examples. You can check it to see some for predictions:
See forecast and management dashboard for some examples. Project overview dashboard also contains several reports on velocity (resolved issues) and predictions.

If PI you are using Sprints for PI we have a set of measures for sprints. We suggest considering reports designed for sprints from our demo account if this is the case.

You can export any report from our demo account and import it into your account. Customize it for your needs, for example, add the dimension representing PI to the report to customize it for PI reporting.

Daina /