Hierarchies, Calculated Members & Issue Transitions

Hello together.

since short we are using EazyBI in our company. I am glad about the possibilities but also face some Challenges. Two of which I hoped to find a solution here.

First the possibly easier one:
When using EazyBI for Jira I have all my source data at hand. Now I am wondering on how to Filter properly. My request is to have a Gauge showing how many Tickets have been Created in 2020 (that I can easily manage). But the next step would be to find how many of those were closed in 2020. Currently I only get all closed in 2020 not Filtered for those also created 2020. Appreciate your Help on this.

Second one
Also kind of a Filter problem. I am playing around with Issue Status transitions. As we have multiple statuses I was creating calculated Members by Aggregating the ones to only 3 Status I actually want to see.
When now counting the Issues transitioned it will obviously aggregate all the transitions even within my calculated members. But what I actually want to see is the distinct number of Issues transitioned from the aggregated calculated member - not within.


  • I have Open, Status1, Status2, Status3, closed
  • I aggregate Status1 - 3 to one calculated member: Working
  • I want to see tranisitions From Open & from Working
  • An issue going through all 4 Statuses would give me:
  • 1 from Open & 3 from Working
  • How do I calculate so it would be 1 & 1 for one issue?

Thanks for your Support.
Cheers Benjamin

Hi @niedermoser,

Issues created and resolved in 2020
The fastest way to achieve this would be to put the Time dimension in the pages filter and selecting the year 2020. With this, you ensure the desired Time dimension member is in the report and can reference it in the calculated measure.

To get the number of issues that were created and resolved within this Time dimension member, try creating a new calculated measure with the formula below:

      [Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.get('Created at'),
      [Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember.get('Resolved at'),
  ),[Measures].[Issues resolved]

Please have a look at our documentation page for more information on calculated measures and members - https://docs.eazybi.com/eazybijira/analyze-and-visualize/calculated-measures-and-members.

Please have a look at the picture of a sample report below:
Screen Shot 2020-01-30 at 13.00.44

Issues transitioned from statuses
You can try to use the measure “Transitions from status issue count” to get the distinct number of issues that have gone through all the statuses from the Transition Status calculated member. It will display a “one” for each issue that has gone through these statuses, even if it has happened multiple times.

Please have a look at the formula below:

([Transition Status].[CALCULATED_MEMBER_NAME],
[Measures].[Transitions from status issue count])

Replace the CALCULATED_MEMBER_NAME with the name of the Transition Status calculated member.

Roberts // support@eazybi.com

Hi Roberts,

thanks for the valuable answers.
Second solution works fine.
With my first challenge I still struggle a little.

But I will try further and let you know for any folloing questions.

Regards, Benjamin