Hours in Status formula check

After a lot of testing and reading, I’ve gotten my report to find the number of days in a set of statuses down to this calculated measure:

[Measure].[Team Work] =

  [Measures].[Days in transition status],
  [Issue Type].[Advisement],
  [Transition Status].[Ready for Review]
  [Measures].[Days in transition status],
  [Issue Type].[Advisement],
  [Transition Status].[In Progress]

Format: #,### h

It seems to calculate quickly and appears to be mapping for the time paging

The numbers are almost what I get from tedious manual checks in JIRA. But, the numbers don’t seem to align exactly.

Is the above an accurate and efficient means to getting?

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This formula is fully appropriate for counting the days in multiple statuses. Some rounding adjustments might happen, but otherwise, it should be a precise and highly efficient solution.

Janis, eazyBI support

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