How to calculate Days in transition status including the time in current status

@martins.vanags yes you are right it did change during 6 month

how can I resolve this issue so that it calculate correctly if something changes during . Date range


Does it mean you want to calculate the historical results based on the current issue type?

If that is the case, you could try using advanced settings to define a new calcualted field, “Current issue type” which would import the current issue type for each issue.

name = "Current issuetype"
data_type = "string"
dimension = true
javascript_code = '''

Then select this new field “Current issue type” for import as a dimension from the import options page.
And use this dimension instead of original “issue type” dimension to filter the report.

Martins / eazyBI

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Thank you @martins.vanags for yout help

Hello @martins.vanags
Thanks for the formula and the support.

The formula gives the number of days issues are in a given status
How can we get the days issues are in?
ISSUE-A is 2 days (20th nov 2022, 21th nov 2022) in status NEW.
How can we list (20th nov 2022, 21th nov 2022)?

Best regards

Hello @martins.vanags ,

I will have another request, the formula gives all days for an issue in a given status.
Let’s say, you have some issues that have been in the following status

Creation of issues, then
a) New → 3 days
b) Open → 2 days
c) Pending → 3 days
d) New → 2 days
e) In review → 3 days

The formula will give issues in status New and with a total of 5 days
How can we get issues that have been in status a) New for 3 days only ?

Best regards

If both transitions happened in different periods, you could filter the report by “Time” dimension.
Time will filter report by “transition from” status.

If a) happened in May 2022 and d) happened in Jun 2022, by filtering the report by May 2022 should give you time in status 3 days.

if that didn’t help, please share more details on your use-case - how will you filter the report (what is layout and which dimensions used in report) and what is the business case for it?

Martins /eazyBI

Hello @martins.vanags ,
thanks for the support.

How do you display last 3 columns without “Transition state” below?

Hi @Marcin

Here you need to step back and temporarily remove the “Transition Status” dimension from the report.
Then use “Drill into” feature (and select “Transition Status” dimension again) from the measure you would like to split by Transition Status dimension members.
And then repeat the step for the next measure.

Martins / eazyBI

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@martins.vanags ,
How I can remove Transition status heading from other columns like Issues current status, Issue status update Issue days in current status… I am getting repeated transition status row for each column


Please find how to drill into measure by another dimension:

In your case, you would need to remove the “Transition Status” dimension from the report first and then use this feature on the “Days in transition status” measure.

Martins / eazyBI support

Thank you so much @martins.vanags ,

Appreciated… Just one more how can we get the Avg as Total at the bottom for custom fields. highlighted one is not showing Avg for the custom fields but second from right it was showing Avg value for all the rows when I selected Total from Top


Thanks for the detailed explanations in this thread.

Is there a way to get a similar measure “Days in transition status till now” on object transition status from Jira Assets?

Especially for assets, which stay for a longer period in their current status, this would be an even more relevant metric then the “Days in transition status” without taking the time in the current status into account.

Looking forward to a hopefully positive response,

Hi Martin,

I’m using the “Days in transition status” measure and is experiencing the same repeated columns. I’m cannot follow the instructions about drilling in. Can you provide more detailed explanation? Sorry, I am a new easyBI user.

Hey @KeithatFT
Please check this documentation page on how to interact with eazyBI reports:

I believe you are asking about the “Drill into” feautre from the measure, but then you have to remove the secondary dimension from the report before you use the “drill into” feature for the measure.

Martins / eazyBI