How to count issues with a concrete component

Hi everyone,

I’m new in eazybi and I suppose my question is really easy :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m trying to create a new calculated member in measurements dimension that aggregate the issues in all projects that have a concrete component. I’m typing that:
[Measures].[Issues resolved count],
[Project] MATCHES ‘.Soporte N1.

But it doesn’t work. Where could it be the problem?

Thanks in advance

Hi @Mib,

We usually recommend starting simple using already available measures and dimension. You may use standard functionality by placing Project dimension on pages to filter issues which have a particular component, and measure Issues resolved count on columns; no need to build custom calculations for that. Your report might look like in the picture below.

Please review the documentation on how to build reports using standard functionality:

The calculation didn’t work as it is not constructed correctly, both aggregate and filter function requires a set of members which is missing. More information on custom calculations you may find in the documentation:

Zane /