How to get Max Affected version at the feature level

Hi @Tjones,

Welcome to the eazyBI community. A calculated member in the Measures dimension for this kind of calculation would be pretty heavy - it would have to go through all issues that have values in the field and then generate and order a set of these values. I would advise trying a JavaScript calculated custom field that will calculate these values during the import.

You can define a JavaScript calculated custom field in the eazyBI advanced settings. Please have a look at the documentation page for more information on this -

Please add these parameters to the eazyBI advanced settings:

name = "Latest Affects Version"
data_type = "string"
dimension = true
javascript_code = '''
var versionList = [];
if (issue.fields.versions ) {
for (var i=0; i < issue.fields.versions.length; i++) {
  var versionName = issue.fields.versions[i].name;

if (versionList){
  issue.fields.customfield_latest_aversion = versionList[0];

After that, please head to the eazyBI import settings and select the custom field “Latest Affects version” for import as a dimension and property.

Finally, you can use the dimension on rows to display the count of issues that have this version as the maximum one.

Kind regards,
Roberts // eazyBI support