How to select tasks that were completed in a certain sprint?


Thank you for the detailed explanation of your use case.
You are right; measures do not always match to the Sprint dimension in the way needed by our requirements. There is, however, a set of measures in eazyBI designed for Sprint reporting to find solutions for this issue.

In your case, you should use the standard measure “Sprint issues completed”. It should be giving the issues completed in the sprint (being resolved at the Sprint completion moment), regardless of what other sprints the issue has gone through.

You can develop calculated measures based on “Sprint issues completed” measure to collect the estimates and hours spent for issues completed in the sprint. The formula for the Original estimate is following:

    [Measures].[Sprint issues completed]>0
  ([Measures].[Original estimated hours],

You can have the same calculation for the Hours spent by replacing the “Original estimated hours” with the “Hours spent” in the formula.
