How to set default value at pages of dimensions?

Hello all,

I’m trying to set default value for pages of dimension.
I created a report that use the All working year, month as pages of dimension.
As I attached image, I want to set default value for first red box to “2021-05” (second red box).
If I can set default value, When I click the Analyze tab, I want to appear the first red box as “2021-05”.
Would it be possible?

Hi @Hong ,

You can’t force the tool to always pre-select a specific time period from a Time dimension when creating a completely new report.
But you could try using the calculated “Current month” or create a new calculated member “Previous month” in “Time” dimension and save the report with that selection.
See the attached video.
Then the report will be loaded with the saved member by default and users will be able to change the selection later - if needed.

Martins / eazyBI

Hi @martins.vanags
Thanks for your reply. But we are not using a Time dimension. In the picture i posted, ‘2021-05’ is String format. I wonder if it is possible to pre-select ‘2021-05’ between ‘2021-03’, ‘2021-04’, ‘2021-05’, and ‘2021-06’ so that the users can see a screen where ‘2021-05’ is already selected.


You can use the search and bookmark feature from the dimension to find a specific member and then select it for your report as the primary member. Then save your report with that selection.
See another video.

Martins / eazyBI