How to solve this problem?

Dear all,
I want to create meassures to count how many issues that have been assigned to each users so i create this formula called “Number of Task”

[Issue Type].[Task],
[Issue Type].[Sub-task],
[Issue Type].[Sub-task Bug],
[Issue Type].[Bug]
([Measures].[Distinct Assignees per Issue],
[Transition Field].[Assignee])

and the Measures Distinct Assignees per Issue formula is

Descendants([Issue].CurrentMember, [Issue].[Issue]),
[Measures].[Transitions to Assignee] > 0

and when i run the formula it shows an error

how to solve this error?


Hello @NicolasAndika
Hi NicolasAndika,

Instead of using Descendants() and Filter() which can be slow, I recommend using a simpler tuple approach. Try this formula:

    [Issue Type].[Task],
    [Issue Type].[Sub-task], 
    [Issue Type].[Sub-task Bug],
    [Issue Type].[Bug]
    [Measures].[Transitions to issues count],
    [Transition Field].[Assignee]

This should execute much faster since it uses tuples instead of iterating through all issues. The tuple approach directly counts issues that have been assigned, while aggregating across the specified issue types.

See Tuple documentation

Gerda //