Hi @leigh.crawford,
I understand that you would like to identify and count issues that have more than one Fix version.
One option is to create new calculated measures that go through all fix versions and count how many are related to each individual issue. This method works if you have individual issues on rows. Check out this community post for where is a solution how to Generate() the list of fix version, but you may use a similar calculation to Count() fix versions for each issue:
A more convenient approach is to group issues by how many fix versions they have using JavaScript calculated custom field . Then you may import version count into eazyBI as dimension or interval dimension and use it to group and filter issues by fix version count.
There is an example of advanced settings with JavaScipt that counts how many fix versions each issue has and defined intervals 0, 1, 2 and more.
# count of fix versions
name = "Fix version count"
data_type = "integer"
dimension = true
intervals = "1,2"
javascript_code = '''
if (issue.fields.fixVersions) {
issue.fields.customfield_versioncount = issue.fields.fixVersions.length;
More details on how to build, test, and import JavaScript calculated custom field is here:
After data import, you can use the new dimension “Fix version count” to show how many issues get in each category, 0 versions, 1 version, or 2 and more versions. If you like, you may edit the intervals for version counts (Interval dimensions).
Zane / support@eazyBI.com