Is there a way to simplify my complex formula?

Hi guys,

I have a complex formula in my EazyBI report that’s causing slow loading times.

After some research, I found that using tuples can improve performance, so I’m working on simplifying the formula.

Here’s the current formula for reference:

What I’m aiming to achieve is a count of specific issues that meet the following conditions:

  1. Issues with a Complete Date.
  2. Issues where the Complete Date is earlier than the Publish Date.
  3. Issues marked as ‘Done.’
  4. Issues that are either ‘Story’ or ‘Task.’"

Is there a way to simplify this formula to reduce the slowness/latency when loading the reports?

Thank you!


The only burden to translate this formula to a tuple is line 5. The workaround is to create a Javascript-calculated custom field that checks if the Complete date is before the Publish date. The Javascript-calculated custom field should create a dimension with Yes/No values.

Once you have this dimension (let’s name it “Completed before Publish date”, the tuple will be the following:

([Measures].[Issues with Complete Date],
[Completed before Publish date].[Yes],
[Issue Type].[Story and Task])

This formula assumes that you have created an aggregated member in the Issue type dimension where Stories and Tasks are aggregated.

Janis, eazyBI support

Hi @janis.plume

I appreciate the workaround - creating a Javascript-calculated custom field.

But can you please provide more details on how to create it to check if the Complete Date is before the Publish Date?

Some samples or examples might be super helpful.