Issue type Except "Technical Debt"

I like to define new calculated member under issue type to add 3 issues type but not included those with field CATEGORY as a “Technical Debt”

this does not work:
[Issue Type].[Story],
[Issue Type].[task],
[Issue Type].[spike]
[CATEGORY].[Technical Debt]

Hello @RyanVaziri

Welcome to eazyBI community!

When creating new calculated members, it is always important to keep in mind the ground rules (learn more here - Calculated members in other dimensions). One of the main rules is that you cannot aggregate members in one dimension and mix members from another dimension.

In the Issue Type dimension, you can Aggregate members from the Issue type dimension.
The same applies for other dimensions.

To get correct results, I recommend doing the following steps.
Create a calculated member in the Issue type dimension, Aggregating the Issue types you want to exclude from the count. ​
​The formula might look as follows:

  {[Issue Type].[Story],
  [Issue Type].[Spike],
  [Issue Type].[Task]}

Then proceed with creating a new calculated measure (in the Measures dimension) using the formula below (replace the Issue Type member name “aggregated issue types” with the name you applied for the calculated member you created in the previous step.

  [Measures].[Issues created],
  [CATEGORY].[Technical Debt]
[Measures].[Issues created],
[Issue Type].[aggregated issue types],
[CATEGORY].[Technical Debt]

Best wishes,

​Elita from