Multiple 'Done' Statuses - need to build report off of first 'Done' status


I am trying to modify a few reports that I’ve created showing # Issues Done and # Points Done. Our workflow has multiple ‘Done’ statuses. When a ticket is tested and ready to get released, we move it to Ready for Release, which is considered Done per our DoD. When a ticket is tested but we aren’t releasing it in the next release we move it to Done on Hold, which is also considered Done per our DoD. When a ticket is released it is then moved to Done, completing the workflow. My report is skewed as it is picking up the final Done status as when it’s considered Done but I want it to pick up when it is moved into the first Done status (whether that be Ready for Release or Done on Hold).

We released a feature in January and all of the tickets that were in Done on Hold status were moved to Done and now our reports show that all of this work was Done in January when it was actually Done in previous months. I’d love any guidance on how to build this report. Thanks!

Hi @Tina_McCoy

I think you could find the measure “Issues closed” useful.
If you define all the statuses from “Done” category as “Closed statuses” for eazyBI, the “issues closed” would return the count of tickets by the last closed date ( one of closed statuses was set)

Martins / eazyBI support