Outward_link only pulling one of the multiple link types

Hi @Sdemidow ,

Thanks for posting your question!
I suggest starting with reading this community post here - Import issue links as dimension, which explains step by step how to import issue links and explains where you can find which of your links are outward and which are inward.
The reason you are not getting all links is because you are only defining the outward links and by the looks of it - have included the link types that represent the inward links.
Here below is an example with two link types and the correct way of definition. You should verify the inward and outward link descriptions in your Jira issue links settings.
Our recommendation, however, is to import only one link direction (unless the link names are the same, such as “relates to”), otherwise, it may cause some confusion when you are trying to analyze your linked issues.

name = "Linked WIS"
outward_link = ["causes", "creates"]
inward_link = ["is caused by", "created by"]
issue_type = ["WIS - Customization Req"]
dimension = true
multiple_values = true

By the way, I will be presenting a topic about a new way of Issue link import in our upcoming eazyBI Community days that will take place in Berlin on April 11 - 12. If you have a chance - we’d be happy to see you there! If you cannot make it to the Community Days, the records of presentations will be posted on our documentation page and you are welcome to check them out after the Community Days!

Best wishes,

Elita from support@eazybi.com