Parent Epic Link dimension

Issue link field dimension feature is in high demand. However, it applies to some Jira default fields only ( Fix Version, Label, Status, Resolution, Issue type, Priority ). We update a list of supported fields on our documentation as well.

Here are other options on how you can achieve the same with other options. It is limited to any Single value dimensions and values only, though.

You can use update_from_issue_key as an additional parameter for any field to pass down values to other issues. We suggest creating a new calculated JavaScript custom field to retrieve any single value custom field value and add the parameter update_from_issue_key and use an applicable custom field referencing to issue key to pass down the values (similarly like Issue link field).

Here is one community post you can check as an example:

On Jira cloud, this is the only way how to access Epic Link value. There might be a slight modification for the same formula (Epic link has a bit different data structure in Issue JSON than single select custom field):

name = "Parent Epic Link"
dimension = true
data_type = "string"
update_from_issue_key = "parent_issue_key"
if (issue.fields.customfield_NNNNN) {

You would like to use Epic Link custom field ID instead of NNNNN. I used parent_issue_key as a parameter to pass down value from parent issues to sub-tasks.

On Jira server, I would suggest using a different option. We have an additional option to access Epic Link via issue links in Jira server. Issue link field import gives additional options to see the dimension similarly like issue dimension.

name = "Parent Epic"
inward_link = "has Epic"
issue_type = "Epic"
dimension = true
update_from_issue_key = "parent_issue_key"

Daina /