Pull Transitions by Current Assignee, not Assignee at Time of Transition

Hi @Tina_McCoy

Yes, if you filter by Assignee dimension, then the assignee who was the issue assignee at the transaction moment, is taken into account.

To count issues by the current assignee, you may want to import the current assignee dimension (that won’t check historical assignees at all). To do that, create a JavaScript calculated custom field to retrieve the current assignee, import it as a separate dimension “Current Assignee” and then use it for filtering in the report instead of the original Assignee dimension.

There is a similar example with a step-by-step instruction where the current issue type is retrieved: Calculated Measure shows issues that have moved issue types - #2 by martins.vanags

Modify the JavaScript code to retrieve assignee value instead of issue type, the advanced settings for the current assignee would be:

name = "Current Assignee"
data_type = "string"
dimension = true
javascript_code = '''
if (issue.fields.assignee) {
  return issue.fields.assignee.displayName;


Ilze / support@eazybi.com