Query and Out Of Memory Errors

Our JVM heap size is 8 GB
Is the query error causing the Out of Memory error?
What are some options for resiolution?

From our logs…
2018-04-19 10:05:04 -0500 ERROR: [312939A1:865f124f] [pivot_table.query.eazybi] (170500.0ms) {:account_id=>2, :user_id=>12, :cube=>“Issues”, :cube_table=>“jira_issues_measures”}
2018-04-19 10:05:04 -0500 ERROR: SELECT NON EMPTY {[Assignee].[BI Team], {[Assignee].[Richard Douglas], [Assignee].[Jerry Osmus], [Assignee].[Jack Pesic], [Assignee].[Mohan Panduri], [Assignee].[Patrick McGuire], [Assignee].[Chris Larscheid]}} ON COLUMNS,
2018-04-19 10:05:04 -0500 ERROR: NON EMPTY NONEMPTYCROSSJOIN(EXCEPT({{[Sprint].[Current and Last Sprint], {[Sprint].[#null], [Sprint].[#null]}}, {[Sprint].[Last 5 Sprints], {Tail(Order(Filter([Sprint].[Sprint].Members, (([Measures].[Sprint closed?] = “Yes”) AND (NOT IsEmpty([Measures].[Sprint end date])))), [Sprint].CurrentMember.get(“End date”), BASC), 5)}}, [Sprint].[Last 2 closed Sprints]}, {[Sprint].[Current and Last Sprint], [Sprint].[Last 5 Sprints]}), HIERARCHIZE({[Issue].[All Issues], [Issue].[All Issues].Children, [Issue].[Applications Support].Children, [Issue].[BI Strategy].Children, [Issue].[IS Help Service Desk].Children, [Issue].[Oracle].Children})) ON ROWS
2018-04-19 10:05:04 -0500 ERROR: FROM [Issues]2018-04-19 10:05:04 -0500 ERROR: [312939A1:865f124f] [Mondrian::OLAP::Error] org.olap4j.OlapException: mondrian gave exception while executing query / OutOfMemory used=5154677296, max=5726797824 for connection: Jdbc=jdbc:postgresql://ssho-db-jira.simfoods.com/eazybi_jira?tcpKeepAlive=true; JdbcDrivers=org.postgresql.Driver; UseContentChecksum=true; CatalogContent=’<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Some general points that could cause “Out of Memory” error even if Jira memory settings are as recommended.

  1. This error usually is returned if the initial list of rows pulled from the eazyBI database (all combinations of dimension members, used in rows) on the report opening moment is too long and it uses all the memory for a moment.
    Consider decreasing the number of dimensions used in the report, especially, when combined with expanded issue list. In issue list reports, if you need additional information about each issue (status, assignee, actual sprint etc), use issue property in columns instead of a corresponding dimension in Rows.
    Create a higher level report that is opened fast: afterward, you may use drill or expand options to get detailed information for a separate position.

  2. Enable [nonempty] option and use “Hide empty rows” so the report becomes shorter. Add other column filters if possible.

  3. Always use a measure in the report.

For individual assistance, do not heistate to export report definition and send to support@eazybi.com for more detailed analysis.

Ilze, support@eazybi.com