Resolved Burndown


I like to show a timeline of cumulative resolved issues in the Report.

So on the “left side” of the timeline is the maximum number of all ever resolved issues and it burns down to the todays open issues when ever a issue was solved in the history.

I tried with that function, but it’s basicly the wrong direction as it should burn down. I hope you understand the problem and could help me. :slight_smile:

    [Measures].[Issues resolved]

At the end if I do this in my diagram the curve is as I need it. The 5801 is the number of all tickets in scope + number of still open tickets. But how to get this now in a formula?

5801-[Measures].[Cumulative Issues resolved] - 
[Measures].[Issues history]

Hi @andreas99,

To get the total issues in the scope ignoring the Time dimension, you can use the following tuple:

([Measures].[Issues created], [Time].CurrentHierarchy.DefaultMember)

Your formula would be (I removed the Issues history as I did not quite understand why you had added this measure)

([Measures].[Issues created], [Time].CurrentHierarchy.DefaultMember)
  [Measures].[Issues resolved]

Lauma /