Stories without feature link

Hi @Hazegray,

By default, issue links are not imported in eazyBI as links have different meanings based on link name and linked issue type.

There are two ways how you can import issue links in eazyBI

  • Option one: A simplified way to import issue links as a dimension. You can specify the link name and linked issue type to pull in linked issue keys in a separate dimension and also as a property. This method is commonly used and very handy, but it is not suited for highlighting issues without linked issues of specific types. Here are more details: Import issue links

  • Option two: An alternative is a new calculated field with JavaScript where you may add more logic and criteria for issue fields. This method also creates a new dimension with linked issue keys and has an extra member (none) to filter and group issues without specified links. Here are more details: New calculated fields

In your case, the second solution (calculated field with JavaScript) woudl be the best to analyze Stories without any linked Features and also which Stores are linked to which Features.

  1. Go to import options, tab Custom fields, and add calculated field (New calculated fields)
    1.1) For the new field – give it a name, select data type “string”, select the dimension option, select the multiple values option, and specify a comma as the separator.
    1.2) In the JavaScript field, provide the code to check on issue links. The code might look like this.

    var issuelinks = new Array();
    var counter = null;
    //goes through all issue links
    if ( issue.fields.issuelinks ) {
    var links = issue.fields.issuelinks;
      for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) {
        var link = links[i];
        //look for inward links to Feature issues
        if (link.outwardIssue) {
          if( && == 'Feature') {
        //look for outward links to Feature issues
        if (link.inwardIssue) {
          if( && == 'Feature') {
      return issuelinks.join(",");

    The new field configuration might look like in the picture below:

  2. Select the new field “Linked Features” for import as dimension and as property. Import data.

  3. In the report, add the dimension “Linekd Features” to report pages and choose a value (none) to filter all issues without any linked Feature. Add the dimension “Issue Type” to pages and choose the value Story to get data only for Stories. See picture below.

Zane /