Upgrading without internet

I’ve imported a dump of my previous eazyBI database after upgrading a test node of jira (8.13.2). I installed version 6.1.2 of eazyBI on the node and connected it to the imported database (from version 5.0.3). Now I can’t see any previous data!

Hi massyf,

  1. What database provider are you using now? And what version?

  2. Please send us eazyBI log files ( https://docs.eazybi.com/eazybijira/set-up-and-administer/set-up-and-administer-for-jira-server/troubleshooting#Troubleshooting-eazyBIlogfiles ).

You can send them via email ( support@eazybi.com) or upload them in our contact form https://eazybi.com/contact.

Thank you for the cooperation and sorry for the trouble!

p.s. I tried to reply to the e-mail you sent to the support@eazybi.com, but got a delivery failure. Please double-check if there are some limitations on your mail server.