Age interval for past due issues

Hello, can’t figure this out…
I would like to have a table of unresolved issues with past due dates and show them by the following age interval (based on the # of days late not creation date) and in these intervals:
<=5 days
between 5-11 days
'> 11 days

Hi @smooradian

If you need to split all unresolved issues with past due dates in just 3 intervals I would recommend creating 3 new calculated measures using these formulas.

Overdue more than 11:

    [Measures].[Issues due]

Overdue 11-5

    [Measures].[Issues due]

Overdue less than 5

    [Measures].[Issues due]

It would calculate the number of overdue issues and group by the past-due-date days
See the attached image.

Note I am using lag(10) to return the 11th member before the current date as the current date is Lag(0) which can be skipped in the syntax.

Martins / eazyBI support