Aggregate story points on stories under a epics grouped by a custom attribute


the solution for counting the issues by the values of the parent issue is described here:

The idea is that you need to create a Javascript calculated custom field in eazyBI inheriting the value down to the stories. Note that the exact Javascript code might depend on the type of custom field in Jira:

name = "My field inherited"
dimension = true
data_type = "string"
update_from_issue_key = "epic_key"
if (issue.fields.customfield_NNNNN && issue.fields.customfield_NNNNN.value) {

This example should work fine for the case if the color custom field is the single select (adjust the NNNNN with the custom field ID). After you import the “My field inherited” (you can adjust this name as you wish) it would create a new dimension where the value from epic is inherited down to all levels.

Janis eazyBI support