Aggregated Bar Chart

I am trying to create a graph with a running total of tickets over time.

So for example if the following showed 5 weeks of ticket creation:

  • w1 - 5
  • w2 - 2
  • w3 - 1
  • w4 -1
  • w5 - 3

Then the bar chart would show:

  • w1 - 5
  • w2 - 7
  • w3 - 8
  • w4 - 9
  • w5 - 12

Hi @daruma,

I think you could use the included cumulative Sum.

In your table, click on the measure you want to have a cumulative sum for, select Add Calculated > Cumulative Sum and choose if you want including or excluding empties.

Once that is done, you can remove the original column if you don’t need it.

Have a good day,

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