Aggregated member for Parallel Sprints


I’m new at the community but we have been using eazyBI in our company for a while.

We are using eazyBI for Jira and we started running parallel sprints in Jira, since we have 2 sub teams working on the same backlog, each of them having its own sprint. We had some measures defined that were working fine when running 1 sprint per time, but when trying to aggregate information from two different sprints it didn’t work as expected

Our first idea was to aggregate sprints with the same sprint start and end date, but this is not something that could be automatically done, so we need to do it manually every time a new sprints pair starts. In this case, we created a manual aggregated member for the two sprints running in parallel but we need to be able to define the sprint start date and end date for the new calculated member, since many of our measures rely into that information. Is there a way we can see those properties for the manually created member?

On the other hand, in order to avoid the manual creation of the aggregated member every time a sprint starts, is there a way we can filter all the sprints that have the same sprint start and end dates that the selected sprint has:

We unsuccessfully tried adding sprints into the rows (filtering sprints only for one of the subteams) and then defining something like this to aggregate for example the hours spent for both parallel sprints:

[Sprint].CurrentMember.get(‘Sprint End Date’) MATCHES [Measures].[Sprint end date])
,[Measures].[Hours spent])

Any idea of how could we do that?

We will appreciate any help!

Thank you,



You are right; unfortunately, the use case of automatical aggregation of sprint members by a common value of the property exceeds the features of MDX implementation. The manual collection of sprints might be the way to go in your case.

You are also right that aggregated members do not inherit the properties of all the children. It is possible to access the members of the aggregated member with the help of the ChildrenSet function. For instance, if you have aggregated all the sprints by the Complete date, you might wish to have the formula like this:

  ChildrenSet([Sprint].CurrentMember).Item(0).get('Complete date')
  [Measures].[Sprint complete date]

Your attempt for the workaround to aggregate the measure over sprints having the same end date will not work either, unfortunately. You have the Sprints in your report and iterate over the Sprint dimension in the formula, which confuses the context in the calculation.

So, seems that the manual creation of aggregated members might be the only option for this case.

Janis, eazyBI support