As a Jira administrator I would like to see all accounts

Hi team!

I, as a Jira (system) administrator, don’t see all accounts created in eazyBI by default. I see only those accounts where I’m added as an account user.

When I create a new account, I usually give a responsible person “User admin” permission so that they can add/remove users by themselves. I’m usually set as Owner and other Jira administrators are set as User admins.

Because of this limitation:

  • I cannot set the responsible account user as the Owner (I must be always set as Owner so that the responsible person with User admin permission cannot remove my account)
  • Other Jira administrators can lost access/visibility to other accounts if the responsible person removes them from account users


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Thank you, @eset_janata, for bringing this up!

I and some other customers hear you on this one! A way to overview and administer eazyBI accounts for Jira administrators would be a helpful improvement.
In eazyBI development backlog, we already have a task to improve account administration, but I can not give any estimates on that. I added your vote for this task.

Zane /

All accounts overview for Jira System administrators and eazyBI administrators is available since eazyBI version 5.0.

Daina /