Assignee issue Redistribution not being tracked

Hello Eazybi team,

I am having an issue of seeing story points that are being have been moved from one assignee to another. I’m trying to keep Assignees the only row element. Currently [measures].[story points added], [measures].[story points removed] are not tracking these changes. The main purpose of my report is to see the total points a team member has throughout the course of a sprint which includes and redistribution of stories within the team. Currently if I add [issues] into row elements and add it works: Sum( Filter( [Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember, [Measures].[Transitions to assignee] >= 1 ), [Measures].[Issue Story Points] )

That being said, I don’t want issues in rows to show up as it populates too much of the screen. Is their a way to get this to work? Thanks!!!

HI @Benjamin ,
Welcome to the eazyBI Community :wave:

To see the result over all issues by having only “Assigneed” dimension in your Rows, you need to use DescendantsSet() function.

    DescendantsSet([Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember, [Issue].[Issue]),
    [Measures].[Transitions to assignee] >= 1), 
  [Measures].[Issue Story Points] 

Remember that if one issue has transitioned through multiple assignees, the story points from this issue then will be counted for each assignee (the end story point sum could be greater than expected).

Gerda //