Average First response per assignee member

Hello Everyone, I am new here.
I have ‘First response’ as a measure and I would like to show the avg First response per Assignee.
I tried using standard calculation and it didn’t work. I also wrote the below calculated measure and that too didn’t work-
Descendants([Jissue Assignee Email].CurrentMember,
[Jissue Assignee Email]. [Jissue Assignee Email]),
[Measures].[Cevent Ticket First Response Wh]>0),

[Measures].[Cevent Ticket First Response Wh])

Can somebody please help me with this?

Hello @Ritika,

Welcome to the eazyBI community!

I’d be happy to help you with calculating the average first response time per assignee. The formula you’ve provided is close, but it needs some adjustments to work correctly. Here’s a modified version that should give you the desired result:

    Descendants([Issue].CurrentHierarchyMember, [Issue].[Issue]),
    [Measures].[Cevent Ticket First Response Wh] > 0
  [Measures].[Cevent Ticket First Response Wh]

Let me explain the changes and why they’re necessary:

  1. We’ve changed [Jissue Assignee Email] to [Issue] . This ensures we’re looking at individual issues rather than just assignee email dimension.

  2. We’re using [Issue].[Issue] as the lowest level in the Descendants function. This makes sure we’re considering each individual issue.

  3. The Filter function now checks if the first response time is greater than 0, which excludes issues without a response time.

  4. We’re still using your custom measure [Cevent Ticket First Response Wh] for the calculation.

To use this formula:

  1. Create a new calculated measure with this formula.

  2. In your report, use Jissue Assignee Email dimension in rows.

  3. Use the new calculated measure to display the average first response time.

If you’re still having issues or need further customization, please provide more details about your data structure, the formula behind “Cevent Ticket First Response Wh,” and specific requirements, and we’ll be glad to help further.

See Calculated measures and members documentation

Marita support@eazybi.com