Average is not working for a calculated measure

Hi all,

I’ve been trying many solutions to have an average of the results by month. This is the code that’s not working:
–annotations.group = Deployment Frequency
CASE WHEN [Time].CurrentHierarchyMember.Level.Name = ‘Month’
[Measures].[Deployment Frequency]

WHEN [Time].CurrentHierarchyMember.Level.Name = ‘Week’
[Time].CurrentHierarchyMember,[Measures].[Deployment Frequency]
[Time].CurrentHierarchyMember,[Measures].[Deployment Frequency]

Even with the AVG being used the result is a SUM:

I’ve tried to make a division by the number of results as a workaround but with no success since I don’t know how to get the number of results being considered for the Time period. Example using Siblings (probably not the solution):
[Time].CurrentHierarchyMember,[Measures].[Deployment Frequency]
) / count([Time].CurrentHierarchyMember.Siblings)

Many thanks for all, stay healthy, stay safe :slight_smile:

Hi @Danilo ,

The Time dimension current hierarchy member in the formula will consider the Time dimension member currently in rows. Thus it will always be the total sum of the measure value in that period evaluated over that one member.
If you intend to use the “Month” or “Week” level members in rows and want to evaluate the total value for that period over the number of days there were values for the particular measure, the formula could look similar to the one below:

  [Measures].[Issues created]

See the picture of the report below:

See more details on the Avg() function on the eazyBI documentation page - Avg - eazyBI.

Roberts // support@eazybi.com

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Hi @roberts.cacus many thanks for the explanation. It worked and was exactelly what I needed.
Wish you all the best :slight_smile:

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Hi @roberts.cacus ,

I have a similar question with a slight difference.

My question is, how to calculate the average for each quarter for the TTR index, which is the first column of my data in the table?

Footnote: TTR index is defined by me and its type is decimal.

kind regard :blush:

Hi @mojtaba_farsian,

It all depends on how you have defined the TTR index and what other measures are involved in the calculation. It may be as simple as a division of the total TTR index with the number of issues - Calculated measures.

Or, the calculation may require iterating through the issues and using the Avg() function - Avg.

Nevertheless, I recommend removing the Issue dimension from the report rows or selecting the “All” member instead of “Issue” and “Project” levels to see the total value for the quarter and instead use “Drill through issues” to see individual issues.

Roberts // support@eazybi.com