Average resolution days from Sprint value

Hi guys,

I would like to know if it is possible to track average resolution days from when the sprint value is added, not when the issue is created.


I have issues sitting in my backlog that have not been assigned nor added to any specific sprint. I would like to track the average resolution days from when these issues are added to a Sprint till they are resolved.

I have been browsing all over the community but I don’t see this specific use case.

Thanks in advance,


Hi @Miguel_Blanca

What if the issue is not completed in the first sprint and then moved to next sprint, how would you calculate the result then?
And what dimension would you use in report rows to set the scope of your report?

Anyway, assuming that you want to find the very first timestamp when the issue was added to the first sprint, you could try creating a new calculated measure using this formula (and Month Day year format).

  [Measures].[Transition to first timestamp],
  [Transition field].[Sprint],

Then you can calculate the average resolution (in new calculated measure with decimal format) days from the first sprint date using a custom calculation.

  [Measures].[Issue resolution date],
[Measures].[Issues resolved]>0
  [Measures].[Transitions to],
  [Transition Field].[Sprint],

  [Measures].[Issue first sprint date],  --here it points to the first measure. precise name must be used
  [Measures].[Issue resolution date]

Please enable the “Nonempty” cross join when selecting the last measure
Martins / eazyBI team.

1 Like

Epic! Thanks so much for this, nice and easy.


  1. The measure “Issue fisrt sprint date” is defined with the first code:
  [Measures].[Transition to first timestamp],
  [Transition field].[Sprint],
  1. See where to enable Nonempty rows filter
    Create reports

Martins / eazyBI

I"m not sure the Bar chart is the best visualization for your chart.
And please also share more details on the changes you made to sample report.

Martins / eazyBI