Average Velocity for multiple projects


I would like to create average velocity report (last 5 sprints) for multiple projects.
Currently I have 8 projects as data source and would like to represent average velocty for last 5 closed sprint for boards that are within the projects.

For some reason when I use the out of the box measure “Running velocity for 5 closed sprints” it doesn’t cumulate within the board level but shows per sprint



Is the Projects dimension added to your chart? If so, is All Projects selected?

Measure Running velocity for 5 closed sprints works for each particular sprint and shows average velocity of 4 previous sprints and this sprint.

If you are analysing data for several projects, you would like to pick the last 5 closed sprints of all boards for those projects and calculate velocity based on them. Here is an example formula for this:

    Descendants([Sprint].Currentmember, [Sprint].[Board]),
      -- 5 last closed sprints within each board
    [Measures].[Sprint Story Points completed]
) / 5

The formula above will pick last 5 Sprints of each board, calculate sum of completed points in those sprints and divide the total sum by 5.

The formula is quite robust and might work for the cases when you have at least 5 closed sprints with completed points in each board for any selected project.

Daina / support@eazybi.com