Bad import in list type custom field

Hello everyone ,
I’m having trouble importing the following field.
It is a list type field with the following information

But when I use it in eazybi as a filter, the information is destructured in the following way.


The correct thing would be to show the options “Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,etc”
but additional options appear inverted

How can I remove them?

thank you

Hi @Emiliano_Romero

​To investigate why this is happening, could you please send a JSON file of one of the issue that has this information filled in the custom field, to our support email -

​How to get JSON of the issue:
Open an issue in Jira. Modify the URL of the issue replacing browse with rest/api/latest/issue and then add ?expand=changelog at the end of the URL. Save the JSON results of the issue as the file and send it to me.

Best wishes,

Elita from