Bar and line graphs mixed


I feel a bit daft for asking… But after extensive search online and here I just couldn’t find an answer.

I use EazyBI in conjunction to Jira Servicedesk. And one of the preloaded reports is:

Created vs Resolved. A nice and clear graph. Useful in every way.
As vertical bars these amounts of opened and closed tickets are being represented.
There are two lines accompanying these bars…
These represent the amount of days it took to resolve the issue fully and the amount of open issues at that moment in time.

But these are shown as lines and not as bars…

And I feel daft about not being able to figure out … how they mix this…
How do you determine not everything is bars and where do I tell the later two to be lines …

Any push in the right direction will be awesomely helpful…



Hi …

Well after spending about 2 days completely on looking how to get this done…

I figured it out… Pity this forum is not more useful cost me dearly to get this working.
As it looks like basic functionality I guess everybody knows…

If you within the legenda of the series presented do a left click on you get a list to choose from…

So this said and shown. Please close this ticket/question. Thank you for the none response.



there are more hints on how to configure the chart options in the eazyBI documentation:
Hope it might help in some other case.

Sorry for not being responsive enough with the answer to this question.

Thank you, this was so hard to find!