Hi there,
Couldn’t find a bug submission section, just wanted to report something people on my team are experiencing.
When a pie chart is added to an EazyBI dashboard and that dashboard is embedded in Jira (default full layout), we can’t drill through issues, as the pie chart flickers:

Tired all kinds of formatting. Seems to work fine if it’s embedded as a report (single widget), and no issues on Windows, just on OSX. Other charts we use also seem to work ok on OSX, the issue is just with the pie chart. Thanks!
Hi @Vlad_Neykov
I couldn’t repeat this behavior on my environment.
Try clearing the cache memory of the browser.
Can you reach out to eazyBI support and provide more details (what version of Jira, what version of eazyBI, what version of browser)?
Martins / eazyBI
Hi Martins,
The issue seems to happen only on Chrome, works fine in Safari. Here is the info you requested:
- Jira version: v8.20.2
- eazyBI for Jira is version 6.5.2
- Google Chrome: v. 103.0.5060.53
Can you try updating your chrome browser? Does it remove this weird behavior?
Updated to 106.0.5249.119 but I’m afraid I’m still getting the issue.
None of our team members were able to repeat this behavior on 6.5.2 version.
Try creating a completely new pie chart and publish it to a completely new Jira dashboard gadget and tell me if you see the same behavior for pie charts.
Also, tell me which OS version are you using.
And ask other users to try the original pie chart.
Martins / eazyBI