Calculate percentage of issues left over time


I have a table with rows of “Customer - Program” and I want to use a measure that shows how the issues have been completed over time.

My issue is that whenever I calculate the percentage in a calculated measure, such as:
“Open Issues” / “Issues created”
…it only works when time is not expanded. When I expand time into months, the calculated measure does “Open Issues” / “Issues created” in that particular month.

I need “Open Issues” / “Total Issues ever created for that Customer - program”

my plan is to be able to see a percentage of completion over time (0% to 100% or viceversa)

I have been trying and searching for days without success.

The farthest I have been is this, but it doesn’t work

  CASE WHEN [Measures].[Open issues] = 0 THEN 0
  WHEN NOT IsEmpty([Measures].[Open issues]) THEN
    [Measures].[Open issues] /
    [Measures].[Issues created])

Thank you

Does anyone know the answer?
How to get the total of issues created for a Customer-Program? A number not affected by time measure.

Hi, @guillolb

Welcom to the eazyBI community.

Please use the [Time].CurrentHierarchy.DefaultMember to get the total/overall value across all members of the currently used Time hierarchy (default, weekly, fiscal, etc.). Read more here: CurrentHierarchy

To calculate the percentage of open issues out of the total issues created across all time periods in the current Time hierarchy, the formula should look something like this:

CASE WHEN ([Measures].[Issues created],[Time].CurrentHierarchy.DefaultMember)>0
[Measures].[Open issues] /
([Measures].[Issues created],[Time].CurrentHierarchy.DefaultMember)


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That worked perfectly.
Obviously I had to change the Calculated Measure Formatting to %
And also did:
1 - (Open issues / Total issues)

I’ll see if I can do the same for Story Points.

Edit: It seems “Story Points History” measure does that.