Calculate the cost of the project

Hi, I’m trying to create a somewhat complex report and need some help. In the report, I filter by project, where each project contains issues with their estimates categorized by Modality (On-site or remote). The “Taxa base” field is a project property used to calculate the budget value, and the “Custo” field is used to calculate the project cost based on reported hours * multiplier * the consultant’s hourly rate. I manually entered the “Taxa base” column; I’d like to know how to register the rate for each project and then calculate the total cost for everyone who reported on that issue and subtract it from the budget. For example, in Issue 01, Consultant 1 reported 10 hours and Consultant 2 reported another 10. Consultant 1’s hourly rate is 1 dollar, and Consultant 2’s is 2 dollars, so the final cost of the issue was 30 dollars

Hello @Viol1914

Thanks for posting your question!

Could you please try the formula below and see if it works for you? I am assuming you are using the Logged By dimension for the users.

    Descendants([Logged by].CurrentMember,[Logged by].[User]),
    [Measures].[Hours spent] >0

By creating this formula, it should return the values at the project level. If this doesn’t work for you, please share your definition by sending it to referring to this Community Post. Here are instructions on how to export the report definition - Export and import report definitions.

Best wishes,

Elita from