Calculated custom fields, fetch PI from EPIC

in eazyBI, I would like to filter my Story type issues depending on the PI (program increment)
But Storys are not linked to PI, only Epics have property PI. and when I try to do it in my report, it simply does not work as if my storys have no PI (which they dont) . How can I make the relationship?
I thought I’d add a new calculated member in the import section and add a measure PI to my Storys but it also is not working.
Any tips or tricks?

Thanky you

Hello Said,
Thank you for reaching out to community!

If Program increment is a single value field, you can inherit its value to the children using JavaScript: JavaScript calculated custom fields

Set the name to, for example, “Epic PI” and replace NNNNN with “Program increment” custom field ID in your Jira.

One way to find this ID is by hovering above the custom field name in the eazyBI Jira import options custom fields list:

I hope this helps.
